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According to statistics, nine Pakistanis are letting go their citizenship each year and in the last eight years, the number has reached 2500. Most of these Pakistanis head to Germany and around 330 of them are traders.

SAMAA TV got hold of some documents which revealed that Pakistani nationals are embracing mostly the European nationalities since 2015.

The report stated that around 25,240 Pakistanis gave up their citizenship. Surprisingly, there were over 670 businessmen who renounced their citizenship in under review period.


In 2022 alone, 330 businessmen renounced their Pakistani citizenship.

There was a time when Pakistani youth for looking for better opportunities abroad and brain drain was at the peak. However, the recent trend indicates that these people are also giving up their citizenship.

Most of these people are doctors and engineers. According to the data, 350 doctors and 670 engineers have renounced their citizenship. The favorite destination of these people seemed to be Germany, India and Spain.

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