Renowned Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan was admitted to Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai after complaining of shortness of breath. According to reports, the actor underwent an angioplasty procedure based on doctors’ recommendations. However, sources close to Bachchan stated that he is reportedly feeling better after the procedure.

Bachchan, a prominent figure in the Indian film industry, is known for his iconic roles and contributions to cinema over several decades. Despite his health concerns, the actor took to Twitter where he wrote, “T 4950 – in gratitude ever…”

The news of Bachchan’s hospitalization has sparked concern among his fans and well-wishers across the globe, prompting an outpouring of messages and prayers for his speedy recovery. Amitabh Bachchan remains one of the most respected and beloved figures in Indian cinema, with a dedicated fan following that spans generations.

As updates about Bachchan’s health continue to emerge, fans eagerly await news of his recovery and return to health. His resilience and positive spirit serve as an inspiration to many, reflecting his enduring impact on the entertainment industry and the hearts of millions worldwide.

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