In a heartbreaking and tragic incident in the Dajkot area of Faisalabad, a couple, identified as Tahir and Naheed, resorted to an unthinkable act after facing insurmountable financial pressures. The couple had reportedly taken a loan of around 3 lac from various individuals, and the mounting pressure to repay the debts led them to an extreme and devastating decision.

Unable to cope with the financial burden, Tahir and Naheed took the drastic step of ending the lives of their three innocent daughters. This unimaginable act of desperation and despair has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting a closer examination of the socio-economic challenges faced by families in distress.

As per police reports, following the heinous act, the couple took their own lives, further compounding the tragedy. The authorities, in adherence to legal formalities, have shifted the bodies to the hospital. This deeply distressing incident highlights the critical need for societal support structures and mental health resources to address the root causes of such extreme actions and prevent further instances of familial distress. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this devastating event.

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