The Punjab government has launched the Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program, a forward-thinking initiative designed to enhance educational access through technological support. This program is set to distribute 50,000 laptops and merit scholarships to deserving students across the province within a tight 90-day schedule.

Key Details of the Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program

Laptop Distribution

  • Total Laptops: 50,000 units, including high-performance Core i7, 13th-generation models.
  • Initial Rollout: The first 5,000 laptops will be distributed within the first 30 days. The full distribution will be completed by February 20.

Special Allocations

  • Minority Students: 2,000 laptops have been specifically reserved for minority groups.
  • Top Performers: High-achieving matriculation and F.Sc students will receive laptops in a formal ceremony that includes a Guard of Honour.

Scholarship Categories

  • University Students: 20,000 laptops allocated.
  • College Students: 14,000 laptops allocated.
  • Medical and Dental Students: 2,000 laptops allocated.
  • Industry and Agriculture Students: 4,000 laptops allocated.
  • Regional Focus: 32% of the laptops are reserved for students from Southern Punjab.

Support for Female Students

The Chief Minister’s Merit Scholarship Program plays a pivotal role in supporting female students by waiving full tuition fees for up to five years for 18,000 female students.

How to Apply

Eligible students must apply through their respective educational institutions. The selection process will emphasize academic performance, with special considerations for minority groups to ensure inclusivity.

The Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at bridging the technological divide and promoting educational equity. By targeting various student groups and regions, the program underscores the Punjab government’s commitment to fostering educational growth and providing necessary tools for academic success.

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