Get a Free Year of YouTube Music Premium by Giving Feedback on Discord's New "Listening Room" Program
Image: Search Engine Journal

YouTube Music, the music streaming platform owned by Google, is launching a new program called “Listening Room” on the online communication platform Discord. The program will involve a group of selected users who will give regular feedback on specific features to the YouTube Music product team.

Participants in the program will receive a free year of YouTube Music Premium. To be considered for the program, users must be passionate about music, use YouTube Music as their primary streaming service, provide feedback through conversations and polls on Discord, and agree not to share any information, such as screenshots or recordings, outside of the Discord group.

Additionally, YouTube Music may soon allow users to create custom radio stations. Some users are already seeing the option to “Create a radio” in the main feed as part of a limited rollout. A setup process similar to YouTube Music’s initial setup will be provided to “tune your music”. This feature will allow users to customize their music based on familiarity, genre, mood, energy level and more, directly from the Now Playing screen.

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