Google has added a new feature to its Clock application on Pixel devices, allowing users to record their own alarm and timer sounds. Previously, users had to copy files over using a file manager application and then add them to the alarm sound settings. However, with the new update, users can now record sounds directly within the Clock application.

It seems that this feature is currently limited to Pixel devices, as it utilizes the Pixel-exclusive Recorder application. Additionally, Google Clock also includes a “Bedtime” feature which was introduced in June 2020, which allows users to assign routines, track their bedtime activity and even use sunset alarms to brighten a room before waking up. There is also a “Sleep” sound option that plays soft waves, space whooshes and relaxing sounds before users doze off.

In conclusion, Google’s new feature on its Clock application for Pixel devices allows users to record their own alarm and timer sounds directly within the app, eliminating the need to use a file manager application. This feature is currently limited to Pixel devices and utilizes the Pixel-exclusive Recorder application.

The Clock application also includes a variety of other features such as the “Bedtime” feature, which allows users to assign routines, track their bedtime activity and use sunset alarms. This new feature adds more convenience and customization options for Pixel users.

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