In a move welcomed by Karachi’s residents, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) announced a reduction in K-Electric’s tariff by Rs0.4 per unit. The adjustment comes under the Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA) mechanism for the billing cycle of January 2025.

Details of the Tariff Adjustment

  • Reduction Amount: Rs0.4 per unit.
  • Applicable Month: This reduction will reflect in January 2025 electricity bills.
  • Eligible Consumers: Domestic, commercial, and industrial users of K-Electric, except lifeline consumers.

Reason for the Reduction

The tariff adjustment is based on decreased fuel costs, which include global changes in the prices of imported fuel and efficiency improvements in electricity generation.

Impact on Consumers

Karachi’s residents, who often face high electricity costs, see this reduction as a small yet significant relief. For households consuming 500 units per month, this could result in a saving of Rs200 on their January electricity bills.

Public Response

Consumers and advocacy groups have called for more substantial reductions, citing the high cost of living and frequent electricity price hikes in the past.

K-Electric’s Future Plans

K-Electric has also announced plans to further diversify its energy sources by investing in renewable energy projects. These efforts aim to stabilize tariffs and ensure sustainable electricity supply in the long term.

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