In a significant breakthrough, Hyderabad police have apprehended a suspect accused of extorting money from local doctors by impersonating a member of the notorious underworld group, “D Company.” The individual, identified as Muzaffar Ahmed Sindhu, allegedly demanded large sums through WhatsApp, threatening severe consequences for non-compliance.
Modus Operandi
Sindhu, a jobless salesman, targeted medical professionals, leveraging the fear associated with “D Company” to coerce payments. He utilized WhatsApp to send threatening messages, creating a sense of urgency and fear among his victims.
Police Investigation and Arrest
Upon receiving multiple complaints from doctors, the Hyderabad police formed a specialized team to investigate the extortion racket. Through meticulous digital forensics and surveillance, they traced the origin of the messages back to Sindhu, leading to his arrest.
Community Impact
The arrest has brought relief to the medical community in Hyderabad, which had been operating under a cloud of fear due to the extortion threats. Law enforcement agencies have reiterated their commitment to protecting citizens from such criminal activities and have urged the public to report any suspicious communications promptly.
Legal Proceedings
Sindhu faces multiple charges, including extortion and impersonation. Authorities are conducting further investigations to determine if he had any accomplices or if there are additional victims who have yet to come forward.
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