Careers for Military Engineering Services MES in 2023—1500+ Positions Available

The Pakistani Army’s Military Engineering Services (MES) division offers engineering assistance to the armed forces. We are available to give you all the information you require about the job openings that MES has advertised for 2023.
Title of the Positions: Military Engineering Services (MES) Positions 2023
Pakistan is where the jobs are.
Primary and Matriculation Needed for Government Jobs
1500+ Total Vacancies
Military Engineering Services – MES is the hiring organization.
Military Engineering Services MES, Islamabad is where jobs are located.
Pay Range: from PKR 35000 to 45000
Kind of Employment: Full-Time
Age Limits: The required age limit is 18 to 35 years as per the Government of Pakistan Law.
Genders: Male and Female Both Apply in this Jobs
Required Education: A Primary, Matric degree is required to apply for this job for male or female candidates.
Jobs Available:
Charge Hand Electricians, Air Conditioner/Refrigerator Mechanics
Reading meters
Attendants at motor pumps
Engine-Drivers for oil
Painters, plumbers, and pipe fitters
Sanitary Personnel
Switchboard Operators
Income and Perks:
MES rewards its employees with competitive pay and benefits. To help candidates understand what to anticipate, we have broken out the pay and perks for each job type.
Norms for eligibility:
Candidates must adhere to a set of criteria, including educational requirements, age restrictions, and physical standards, in order to be considered for a position with MES. In order to further assist candidates in understanding the requirements for each position, we have included a thorough list of eligibility requirements for each job type.
Procedure of selection
Written assessments, physical testing, and interviews are all part of MES’s stringent selection procedure. For the purpose of assisting applicants in getting ready for the exams and interviews, we have offered an overview of the selection procedure.
Apply now, do not wait till the deadline.
Please use the most recent version of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.
The deadline for online submissions is March 5, 2023, while the deadline for payment is March 7, 2023.
Topics #Job 2023 #MES #Military Engineering Services #New Government Jobs #New Jobs