The Caretaker Government of Pakistan has allocated a significant budget of Rs 47.4 billion for the upcoming general elections scheduled for February 08, 2024. A major portion of this budget, Rs 15 billion, is dedicated to ensuring the security of the electoral process, highlighting the government’s commitment to a safe and secure voting environment.

In detail, Rs 4.83 billion is set aside for the printing of ballot papers, emphasizing the importance of accurate and well-managed election materials. Additionally, Rs 270 million is allocated for the meticulous preparation of voter lists, ensuring an organized and streamlined voting process.

The training wing receives a substantial budget of Rs 1.89 billion, underscoring the emphasis on well-trained election personnel. Media coordination, an essential aspect of modern elections, is allocated Rs 500 million to ensure effective communication and dissemination of information.

Administrative expenses are budgeted at Rs 20.4 million, while Rs 5.6 billion is allocated for project management units and voting-related initiatives. Recognizing the contributions of individuals involved in the electoral process, a sum of Rs 1 billion is earmarked for honorees.

Region-wise allocation includes Rs 9.65 billion for the election in Punjab, Rs 3.65 billion for Sindh, Rs 3.95 billion for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Rs 1.11 billion for Balochistan. This comprehensive budget reflects the government’s commitment to conducting fair, secure, and well-managed elections across the nation.

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