According to PBS spokesperson, next election in Pakistan will be conducted on basis of updated data gathered via digital consensus.

The digital consensus will start from Wednesday throughout Pakistan, as stated by the spokesperson of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)

Sarwar Gondal was addressing to a conference where he said that on 20th February a digital portal was launched where 4.3 million people had filled their details so far.

On this platform, individuals have to register themselves. He said, “The self-enumeration phase started from Feb 20 and the field operation of the census will start across the country from March 1 (tomorrow).” He added, “This process will be completed by April 1 and the data will be released by April 30.

The digital census is an initiative of the PBS which is also supported by the National Technology Council (NTC), National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), provincial governments and armed forces.

Gondal mentioned that 121,000 on ground enumerators are assisting in the process and every enumerator would be accompanied by a police officer.“For the census, 495 Census Support Centres have been set up across the country, while 126,000 electronic devices will be used in the process. NADRA will provide assistance in case of malfunctions in the software or the electronic devices,” said Gondal.

The spokesperson also said, “The 7th census is the first-ever digital one not only in Pakistan but also in South Asia. The data will be authentic as per international standards and will be used for constituency delimitation in next general elections as well as for public policy planning.

He added, “We have the support of all the stakeholders and service providers as well as the NTC. The government released Rs10 billion, while the case of Rs24 billion is in the ECC. So there will be no problem in funding.”

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