According to the latest Global Hunger Index (GHI) ranking, Pakistan is ranked 92nd out of 116 countries. This is considered serious and is a grave concern for the authorities.
Though Pakistan’s position is still better than the neighbour India (standing at 101), our other two neighbours in the region are comparatively doing better with Bangladesh ranked 76 and Sri Lanka ranked 65.
These rankings shared by GHI are aimed at combating hunger at the global level. It is based on four indicators including child wasting, mortality rate under 5 years, undernourishment and stunting. Currently, there are 37.6 percent children in Pakistan who are suffering from stunting.
In the recent years, effective policies by the government have helped bring down the number of undernourished people to 12.9 percent from 21.1 percent in 2000. The number of wasting children has also been brought down in 2020 to 7.1 percent as compared to 14.1 percent in 2000.
The joint report was published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe on global hunger, says, “As the year 2030 draws closer, achievement of the world’s commitment to Zero Hunger is tragically distant”.
Pakistan’s food price inflation has reached double digits in the last few years. This along with diminishing income has made many people food insecure. A report by World Good Programme (WFP) mentions that almost 43% of people in the country are food insecure while 18% of these people are suffering from acute food insecurity. The report also said that affordability is the “greatest barrier in achieving a nutritious diet.”
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