Image: APP / File
Ever since a massive crackdown against the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) leaders has started, sources claim that the former PTI leader Jahangir Tareen has also become active and he is busy making a Forward Bloc in the party.
Sources further claim that Tareen has been meeting PTI lawmakers from Southern Punjab who joined Imran Khan’s PTI on Tareen’s suggestion as Tareen has a huge influence on them.
If sources are to be believed, Tareen has also set up a political office in Lahore as he is planning his political come back.
Tareen was disqualified as the Secretary General PTI on December 17, 2017 when the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared him dishonest under Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution and Section 99 of Representation of People Act (ROPA) on the basis of multiple charges levelled against him. Tareen is now expecting gbY his disqualification orders will soon be reverted.
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