Do you want to work in technology and digital marketing as a woman?

Continue reading to learn how you may be one of the 100 scholarship recipients trained in digital marketing.

If your application is accepted, you will be trained and connected with a three-month remote internship with a UK company…

The Digital Marketing Women Employability and Empowerment Programme (DM-WEEP) is sponsoring this scholarship in collaboration with the Dutch government through the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE).

You will graduate with a globally recognised credential if you participate in the future DM-WEEP scholarship programme…

Then you’ll get help starting a prosperous career in digital marketing.

Step 1:Apply for one of the 100 slots in the DM-WEEP full scholarship program.

If selected, you won’t have to pay the full tuition fee. You only need to pay the application and acceptance fee.

Step 2: Once accepted, you will undergo a month practical online training to become a digital marketing professional

Step 3: After completing the training, collect your certificate (the certificate is globally recognized)


You must be a female that is eager to learn and implement new skills.

There are no technical requirements. You can apply if you can use social media or write an email. The programme will teach you all of the necessary technical skills.

Few women with exceptional performance have a very good chance of obtaining remote employment. Because the foreign businesses have agreed to keep a few outstanding students.

It is important to note that your ability to participate in the UK internship is contingent on your performance, successful completion of training to achieve the DM-WEEP certificate, and the availability of internship spaces.

Click here to submit your application for the scholarship

Topics #Internship #scholarship #women