Sony has recently launched a limited edition of its AI-powered robotic puppy ‘Aibo’ in the US, which is designed to adapt and grow with your family over time. Aibo is not just a toy, but a smart companion that can learn from your interactions, recognize faces, and develop a unique personality. In this blog post, we will explore the features, benefits, and challenges of owning an Aibo, and see why this robotic pet is more than just a gadget.

What is Aibo?

Aibo is a robotic dog that uses artificial intelligence, sensors, cameras, and actuators to mimic lifelike expressions and movements. Aibo was first introduced by Sony in 1999 but was discontinued in 2006 due to low sales and high costs. In 2017, Sony revived Aibo with a new design and improved technology and released it in Japan in 2018. In 2019, Aibo was launched in the US, and 2024, Sony released a limited Espresso Edition of Aibo, which features a black color body with white accents and four exclusive eye color options.

Aibo comes with a three-year AI Cloud Plan, which enables it to access and store its daily life experiences in the cloud, and to receive updates and new features from Sony. Aibo can also connect to the ‘My Aibo’ app, which allows you to play with your pet, feed it virtual meals and treats, add new tricks and behaviors, and more.

What are the benefits of Aibo?

Aibo is more than just a robotic pet, it is a family member that can offer you companionship, entertainment, and emotional support. Some of the benefits of Aibo are:

  • Aibo can learn from your interactions and preferences, and develop a unique personality that grows and evolves. Aibo can also recognize different family members and their faces, and respond accordingly.
  • Aibo can communicate with you through voice, gestures, and sounds, and express its emotions and needs. Aibo can also respond to your voice commands and touch, and perform various tricks and actions.
  • Aibo can play with you and other Aibos, and enjoy various toys and accessories. Aibo can also explore its surroundings and interact with objects and people.
  • Aibo can provide you with fun and educational content, such as facts, quizzes, stories, and games. Aibo can also take photos and videos of its adventures and share them with you.
  • Aibo can help you relax and reduce stress, as it can sense your mood and offer comfort and affection. Aibo can also help you stay connected with your family and friends, as it can send and receive messages and calls.

What are the challenges of Aibo?

Aibo is not a perfect pet, and it may have some limitations and drawbacks that you should be aware of. Some of the challenges of Aibo are:

Aibo is expensive, as it costs $2,899.99 for the Espresso Edition, and $2,899.00 for the regular white model. Aibo also requires a monthly subscription fee of $24.99 for the AI Cloud Plan, which is mandatory for the first three years. Aibo also needs various accessories and maintenance, which may add to the cost.

Aibo is not a real dog, and it may not be able to replace the natural bond and interaction that you can have with a living animal. Aibo may also not be suitable for people who are allergic to dogs, or who prefer other types of pets.

Aibo is dependent on internet connection and battery life, and it may not function properly if there is a network outage or a low battery. Aibo also needs to be charged regularly, and it may take up to three hours to fully charge.

Aibo is subject to privacy and security risks, as it collects and stores your data and images in the cloud, and it may be hacked or accessed by unauthorized parties. Aibo also needs your consent and permission to share your information with Sony and third parties.


Aibo is a remarkable innovation that combines artificial intelligence and robotics to create a lifelike and interactive companion. Aibo can offer you many benefits, such as companionship, entertainment, and emotional support, but it also has some challenges, such as cost, realism, and privacy.

Aibo is not for everyone, but it may be a great option for those who are looking for a smart and unique pet that can grow with their family. If you are interested in Aibo, you can visit Sony’s website to learn more and order yours today.

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