Whether your hair has been thin since childhood or losing hair for a long time, it’s natural to want to make it grow thicker. After all, long and shiny hair is the best thing to wear. Though no quick hacks will make your hair grow thicker right away, there are steps you can take that will make your hair healthier and fuller over time.

Putting Balanced Nutrition First
Keeping a healthy, well-balanced diet is one of the smartest ways you can do for your overall well-being. A good diet can also make your skin look healthy and help your hair and nails grow on their own.
Do some self-massage of the scalp
It may sound unbelievable, but scientific studies have shown that massaging the scalp can actually stimulate new hair growth.
Licensed dermatologist Akis Ntonos M.D. says that healthy hair can be generated by massaging the scalp, as this increases blood flow to the area.
Protect your hair from sun
The sun can be damaging to your hair and scalp. The sun’s rays can damage your skin, but new evidence reveals they might also harm your hair and scalp. So, you need to avoid sun rays directly hitting your scalp or head.
Reduce Your Stress Levels
The experience of stress is nothing new, and we have no doubt that you can relate. You might not have known this, but chronic, severe stress can also slow hair growth.
Stress, as explained by Dr. Bhanusali, “may cause long-standing hair loss” since it raises cortisol levels. Traumatic memories and other distressing circumstances have been related to a disorder called telogen effluvium.
Though it’s only a temporary problem, getting your hair back to its full, healthy state can take months or even years.
Be mindful while using hair styling tools
Styling with heat causes severe damage to hair. Dehydration brought on by excessive heat styling damages the molecular structure,” as stated by Van Clarke. When bonds weaken, hair thinning and loss of hair also occur. If your hair is naturally thin or thinning, you should limit the use of hot tools.