Dates are one of the dry fruits filled with essential nutrients required by the human body on a daily basis. While other dry fruits are often consumed, dates are often overlooked and are mostly eaten during the holy month of Ramadan only.

This blog will discuss the top 5 benefits of eating dates which will persuade you to eat at least two dates in your daily routine. Being the dry fruit of palm trees, dates are a major source of carbohydrates and include natural sugars like glucose and fructose.

Not only this, but they also provide minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron along with vitamins and dietary fibre to help the human body meet its nutrient requirement.

Keep reading this article till the end to find out the health benefits of eating dates.

Expert-backed health benefits of eating dates

1) Rich source of fibre:

Fibre is paramount for the human body. For an adult man, 30-38 gm of fibre per day is recommended, while for women, 21-25 gm of fibre per day is directed. According to a study, eating only three dates can provide around 4-4.8 gm of fibre every day. You can couple these dates along with other sources of fibre such as beans and cereals.

2) Healthy sweetener

Sugar is not considered a healthy sweetener as it has many risks associated with it. Excess sugar intake can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity. Whereas, replacing sugar with dates will provide you with a healthy alternative to sweeteners. Along with replacing refined sugar, it will also provide a rich caramel-like flavour.

You can even make date syrup, paste, or puree to use in your recipes. Not only this but turning dehydrated dates into fine powder can also provide you with date sugar to use in tea or coffee.

3) Regulates blood sugar

Among a long list of benefits of eating dates, one of them is that this palm tree dry fruit helps maintain blood sugar. Although an excess of anything is bad, eating 3-4 dates daily causes a slower rise in blood sugar levels. With a low GI as compared to other sweet treats, it is a suitable option for people with diabetes.

4) Maintains brain health

One of the benefits of adding dates to your daily routine is that they help in improving brain health. They have vitamins like B6 and magnesium which aid brain health and improve cognitive function. Eating only a few dates daily helps avoid neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

5) Bone and heart health

One of the reasons why you should add dates to your routine is because they help with strong bones and improve heart health. Dates are a good source of calcium, which is paramount for healthy bones. To avoid diseases like osteoporosis and other similar bone-related issues, an individual must add dates to their diet.

Moreover, this dry fruit has plenty of potassium which is mandatory for heart health. Potassium maintains blood pressure as a result of which there is less risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, and similar heart issues.

So add dates to your diet now to reap multiple health benefits. Whether you are looking for a healthy heart or bones, or need work-time snacks to keep you filled with essential nutrients, dates are your go-to food for daily basis.

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