Photo: Mikael Blomkvist

Marketing and sales complement each other like bacon and eggs. At the very least, they’re meant to. After marketing has gotten consumers in the door, it is up to sales to close the transaction. However, when the two are out of sync, the marketing and sales teams frequently point fingers. Both claim that the other’s efforts are inadequate.

While every organisation relies on strong sales and marketing relationships to flourish, it all starts with a smart plan. Otherwise, you’ll be seeking to increase revenue without a defined plan. Here are four marketing methods to help your teams collaborate and sell more.

Customer testimonials are a great method to capitalise on the power of internet reviews. This method works since 49% of consumers trust online reviews as much as suggestions from individuals they know. Testimonials give social proof and serve as an extension of the reviews that customers leave after having a positive experience with a brand.

Why do some people prefer one brand over another? And why do they stick with you despite cheaper alternatives? Typically, the brand’s story and identity are among the top reasons. These branding features appeal to people, suggesting that the company’s identity is consistent with their own.

Hosting online and in-person events shows that businesses are prepared to invest in their communities. Those communities may be entirely virtual, but engaging with the individuals who buy — or could buy — from you says a lot. You’re personalising your brand while demonstrating that your interest in your audience extends beyond simply increasing your profit line.

Most marketing campaigns aim to generate consistent revenue sources. You want to increase sales in the short and long term. To achieve this with today’s consumers, your organisation requires techniques that go beyond raising awareness. Marketing along the sales funnel, utilising testimonials, developing your brand identity, and keeping communities in mind will all help you get closer to your target.

Topics #Marketing #Marketing Strategies #Sales