A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. Because every book narrates a different story. Even when we read a single book more than once, it gives another perspective. Though there are countless books of different niches in the world, a good book leaves a long-lasting impact on your everyday life. Let it be a novel, self-help guide, or motivational read. Here’s a quick guide to the top 5 books that are a must-read for everyone at least once in their lives, whether you’re fond of reading or not.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling

You’ve heard about this book. Harry Potter is an essential part of the childhood of countless people. In this book, you can join Harry as he journeys into the Wizarding World and he triumphs over Lord Voldemort. Throughout these books, you’ll get to know characters such as Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and many more.
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

This book is about characters of Middle Earth, a stunning and extensive fantasy world that can be galloped with chaos even if it is filled with goodness. Follow the protagonist Frodo Baggins as he embarks on a vital mission. This sequence will leave you at the power of your seat.
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner narrates a story of a one-of-a-kind and unique friendship bond. It concentrates on Amir, who struggles to find the only friend he’s ever had. He formerly abandoned him because of the cultural and religious variances in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare

Everyone knows about the famous Romeo and Juliet love story. It is the most thought-provoking book to read, telling us that stories do not always have happy endings. This is perhaps the most well-known love story ever written. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a catastrophe that emphasizes the joy of young love and the involvedness of revenge.
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

This is one of those classics that makes you involved with the story. Anyone who reads this book finds it utterly relatable to their lives as it motivates them to find and embrace their true selves. Then it gives you life insight into what it means to chase a dream and discover where your treasure is.
There are countless excellent books out there that need to be checked. And it becomes easy to find the finest one from them when you become a good reader. A reader never stops exploring and is always searching for a new adventure in the form of a book. Once you start reading, you will find the best books on your own.
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