2020 seems to have lasted for 363,296,3873 years. Thanks to all the disasters and calamites it made us go through. Now that 2021 is almost around the corner, it is time to have a quick look at the worst things that happened this year so that we can thank God for surviving it all.

Bushfire in Australia

Source: Twitter

For years, we have been warned about climate changes that may happen, and it actually happened in 2020. The uncontrollable bushfire engulfed the Australian forests along with the animals living there. Sadly,1.25 million animals, of which many were endangered and rare species, were lost in the deadly fires that started in the June 2019 and continued till 2020.

Coronavirus Pandemic

Source: Twitter

Coronavirus or COVID-19 made it to headlines in December 2019, when people in China started becoming victim of a flu-like virus. Soon the virus started affecting the whole world and as of now, millions of people across the world have suffered from it. The COVID-19 is still uncontrollable and is spreading like a wildfire. To everyone’s shock, a new variant of coronavirus has also emerged lately and is more transmissible. Researchers are working hard to come up with a vaccine to contain COVID-19.

Locust Swarms

Source: Twitter

Millions of desert locusts invaded East Africa and Asia in 2020. Though they do not directly harm human beings, locusts damage the crops and plants.

Volcanic Eruption

Source: Twitter

On 12th January, 2020, Taal Volcano in Philippines became active after 43 years and started erupting. Soon, the ashes were everywhere and authorities started evacuating the residents. According to official reports, there were more than 2,464 earthquakes in the tectonic plates and 176 were felt by the locals.

The year 2020 will be remembered for many reasons but these natural calamities and pandemic will always be mentioned. Let us all hope for a healthy and prosperous 2021. Amen!