Google Chrome’s New AI-enabled Feature

Google is experimenting with AI to launch yet another productive feature in its Search Generative Experience (SGE). With this new feature, Chrome users will be able to get the summary of articles right in the search engine. It is more like SGE, but in the browser this time.

The new feature will be available by next week but initially Search Labs program will be able to use it. Once rolled out officially, the feature will be available for mobile users first, android and IOS both. Later on, desktop Chrome browser users can use it toom

The SGE in Browser works like this: For example, you are reading an article or a blog and a small pop-up would appear. In this window, Google’s new tool will highlight the main topics covered in that write-up. Once you click on a highlight, you will be diverted to the main paragraph having all the details. According to Chrome, this feature will only be available for public articles.

Now here is why bloggers are not happy with the new SGE update: bloggers spend hours to articulate an article and they think the summary might miss out on the charm of these articles. The concern seems someone right, especially in the case of a guide in which step-by-step guidance is required. If not summarised properly, important details can be missed out by the readers.

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