Pakistani security forces successfully eliminated two assailants who targeted a convoy of Chinese workers in Balochistan province’s southwestern region. Gawadar Deputy Superintendent of Police Chakar Baloch confirmed the operation’s success, with all members of the Chinese convoy and involved security personnel emerging unscathed from the exchange of gunfire.

The separatist group Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), proscribed in Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the assault on a convoy carrying Chinese engineers in Gawadar, a strategic city where China is actively constructing a seaport. The BLA’s “Majeed Brigade” conducted the attack, underscoring the ongoing security challenges in the region.

Responding to the threat, Pakistan’s military swiftly launched an operation in response to verified reports of terrorists’ presence in the area. The operation’s resolute execution underscores the nation’s commitment to safeguarding both its citizens and foreign workers within its borders.

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