leaked audio pakistan

Data about delicate government business and private discussions between the prime minister and members of his administration has seemingly been leaked and available for purchase on the dark web, in what would be one of the prime data breaks out in Pakistan’s history.

Data leaked on the dark web basically include telephone records of Shahbaz Sharif and a former prime minister whose identity wasn’t exposed. That data is about 100 hours in length, sized at 8 gigabytes, and was valued at 180 bitcoins, which is a digital currency known for trading. which at its Sunday afternoon trading rate interpreted into over $3.4 million.

The data also consists of conversations between the prime minister and “all high-profile people including those who are influential and not in power,” the description of the announcement posted on an anonymous dark web marketplace read.

All this scenario is making everyone question the cyber security agencies of Pakistan. If the data from PMO is not safe what about the common man living in the country? Also, all these 100 hours of recordings include 100’s confidential meetings along with the conversations and discussions of PM’s recent tour to different countries. It will be a big embarrassment for the whole country if it comes out in any way. Netizens all over the internet are frustrated with the government’s security system.

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