World Bank considers $50 million project to support citizens in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province
Image: TWB

The World Bank has announced its consideration of the “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)/FATA Citizen Centered Service Delivery Project,” which aims to provide support for families affected by the militancy crisis and promote child health, as well as enhancing citizen-centered service delivery in selected districts of KP province.

According to official documents, the proposed project, worth $50 million, will bridge the financing gap for the continuity of activities under the ongoing FATA Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project (TDPERP), facilitating a smooth transition of the program to the province of KP. The project will continue to support the existing activities under TDPERP for two years, providing an opportunity for a phased transition of interventions to the government of KP.

TDPERP was launched in FATA agencies in 2015 through federal government funding and has since delivered successful services to citizens. The effective phased transfer of the program requires covering the funding gap for the TDPERP program by the federal government for the transition period. As an additional financing to the ongoing project is not possible, the proposed project is crucial for bridging the gap and ensuring the continuation of the program.

The proposed project will retain the original components from the TDPERP, including the Early Recovery Package for Temporary Displaced Persons, which includes reimbursement of the Early Recovery Grant (ERG) and the provision of the Livelihood Support Grant (LSG). The ERG provides a one-time transfer per family to assist the Temporarily Displaced Persons (TDPs) to settle after returning and offset their transportation costs. The LSG provides monthly income support per TDP family for four months as subsistence support while livelihoods are re-established.

The project also includes promoting child health in selected areas of FATA, strengthening program management and oversight, and replicating the program design and institutional setup under the new project with revised results to cover the extended period of support.

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