In a disturbing turn of events near the Tarqumiya checkpoint outside Hebron in the occupied West Bank, Israeli protesters wreaked havoc on trucks transporting vital humanitarian aid to Gaza. Footage circulating on social media captured the aftermath: a burning truck, its cargo strewn across the road, and others left wrecked.

Waseem Al-Jabari, Head of the Hebron Food Trade Association, revealed that 70 trucks were part of the coordinated effort to deliver aid to Gaza. However, these efforts were violently disrupted as settlers attacked the convoy, destroying products and setting vehicles ablaze while Israeli soldiers allegedly stood idly by.

The attackers, claiming affiliation with a group known as “Order 9,” aimed to thwart supplies reaching Hamas, accusing the Israeli government of providing “gifts” to the organization. Amidst condemnation from Washington and British Foreign Minister David Cameron, the Israeli military has launched an investigation into the incident, resulting in some arrests.

Despite military presence, the safety of aid convoys remains uncertain. Adel Amer, a member of the West Bank-based hauliers’ union, reported significant damage to trucks, estimated at $2 million, with drivers subjected to physical assault. In response to the escalating risks, hauliers are now refusing to transport goods to Gaza.

This incident not only underscores ongoing tensions but also exacerbates the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability and security measures to safeguard humanitarian efforts.

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